Procurement Notices

The "Procurement Notices" view block is built as shown on the screenshot

The view block has two filters: date range and Region/Country as shown on the screenshot.

The view filtering is using default database search, not Solr.

The view can be inserted on a Landing Page node using Reausable Content paragraph

The view block is themed according to the styleguide

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Open Date (Range)
Ref. No Title Location Open Date Close Date
RFA-23-032 Budget Template
RFA-23-032 Appui à l'engagement citoyen dans le developement de l'education civique et electoraleen Guinea (Version Francaise)
RFA-23-033 RFA-23-033_Youth Public Policy Network in Nepal
RFA-23-028 APPEL À CANDIDATURES (AC) pour l’a ppui à la synergie des organisations de la société civile pour la prévention et la résolution des conflits électoraux et leurs actions de plaidoyer en cours en Guinée
RFA-23-028 RFA-23-028_Questions and answers- English
Q&A_RFQ-23-029 Q&A_RFQ-23-029_Hardware for Politdata
RFA-23-028 RFA-23-028_Budget Template
RFA 23 028 RFA-23-028 - Questions & Reponses _ (Francais)
RFA-23-028 Supporting the synergy of civil society organizations for the prevention and resolution of electoral conflicts and their related ongoing advocacy efforts in Guinea
RFQ-23-029 Annex 3-Section 889_Contractor Certification